Friday, August 10, 2018

Dreamkeepers App Scavenger Hunt!

Your phone could be more fun with the free Dreamkeepers app.   Read the comic free anywhere, pick a favorite visual theme, and now with the latest upgrade, win hard-copies of the graphic novel saga in the Dreamkeepers App Scavenger Hunt!

Follow the clues, and if you guess correct you‘ll get a code key.  Email that code in the subject line to:  for a chance to win a prize.  This feature and the app development is brought to us by the fabulous Matt Dieck ( xir1111011 )

Here are the clues to the hidden Dreamkeepers App spots- each clue will award a prize to the first person who discovers it.

For instructions on how to guess, see our video:

Enjoy the read, and happy hunting!

1. The first appearance of, "Poor" and "Judgement"
2.  This marker/signage, with its simplistic design, is only designed to be gazed upon by one creature at a time. Without it, however, Anduruna's transit system wouldn't function.
3.  The creators, peddling their wares
4.  Chester Copperpot, Esq.
5.  A glass of lemonade
6.  Two brave, young, sword-wielding warriors
7.  Almost par for the course
8.  A pink tree, betwixt cousins
9.  A trombone case, and a clarinet case, beside each other
10.  34 . Q, primer
11.  A pink seashell, next to a warning
12.  Eerie Excursions
13.  Don't hug Lilith, she's scared
14.  According to ThinkGeek, the message of ultimate disambiguation. In this context, the largest display of it.
15.  '-.-. .... .-. --- -. --- .-.. --- --. .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- --..-- / - .... . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / .- .--. .--. . .- .-. .- -. -.-. . / --- ..-. / -... .- ... -
16.  The starfield used for Miriel's character theme
17.  The starfield used for Kalei's character theme
19.  "A nine foot mollusk? Seriously?"
20.  Cooking with a rodent… in a vacuum
21.  This small, innocuous recurring creature is seen now and then along Mace and Whip's misadventures. Find its first appearance.
22.  The creators, standing around
23.  UGxlYXNlIHRhcCBvbiB0aGUgRmFzaGlvbiBEZXNpZ25lcnkgcG9zdGVyIG9uIHBhZ2Ugc2l4dHkgbmluZQ
24.  JUOC (3)
25.  Calvado's Castle Case
26.  Ghost, at the bottom of the stairs
27.  z svokufo glnv uli gslhv dvoo-gl-wl drgs


Anonymous said...

Is there rules to what country can take place in this Scavenger Hunt?

MinnesotaSimargl said...

Do we get an email back as to wether or not we won a prize?

Unknown said...

I'm with MINNESOTA on this one. But I'll be pactient.