Monday, October 13, 2008

V3 Sneak Peak - Ch. 7 Pencils begun!

Finally, a little bit of finalized artwork to post up in here... Here are some samples of the penciling that is going on! Commissions are still in the works, as well as prep for the annual Halloween Fanart contest, so progress is not exactly blinding in it's speed. But it's still happening!

Below is a pencilled page, as well as a closer - up sample of the content. Perhaps another noteworthy explanation for the current rate of progress is my indulged penchant for detail... I mean, really, that tower didn't need to have an octagonal midsection tapering to a quadrilateral, in perspective. Yet it somehow seemed necessary at the time when I was drawing it in... I particularly like the bad visual pun inherent in the "spinal" columns. The skulls set up above are supposed to be DreamKeeper skulls - but when animalistic skulls have this tendency to always look demonic, no matter what. Thanks a lot, paganism. Ah well.

Still a lot more pages that need to happen - Regretfully, I don't anticipate making any major strides until I clear out commissions this fall / early winter - then it'll be time to close those down, and get serious about the book. However, the influx of capital is great from a business point of view, since the profit margins on the books are so narrow - but I should probably end this update before I careen into dangerously dull territory.